Onkwanen:ra Our Gang
Onkwanèn:ra – Our Gang
The “Onkwanèn:ra” After School Program, is a community based social/life skills program for Kahnawakehro:non children between the ages of 6-12 years (Grades 1-6). The program focuses on group inclusion, self-awareness, understanding relationships, social skills, culture awareness and the world around us. The program incorporates Kanien’keha:ka values and the cultural aspects of respect, while group members receive the information about healthy lifestyles (mental, physical, social and spiritual well-being).
We offer a variety of activities aimed towards helping the children explore their thoughts and feelings in a safe and relaxed atmosphere. Activities include lessons, guest speakers, arts and crafts, role playing, games and field trips.
The group hours are 3:00pm - 4:45pm Monday to Thursday throughout the school year beginning in October.
KA’NÓN:WE/WHERE: Onkwanèn:ra Programming is held at the KSCS Whitehouse, located across from Mohawk Council.
AKENHNHÀ:KE/SUMMER: Onkwanèn:ra offers summer programming during the months of July/August. Registration is held in May.
For more information on the Onkwanèn:ra Program, contact:
Beatrice Taylor at 450-632-6880 ext. 34102