• Brown Bag Lunch

Tuesday, October 15, 2019 - 11:00 to 13:00
Tsi nón:we Ahsonhnhiióhake/Family and Wellness Center

Parents are invited to come out with their children and spend the day with the Parenting Team of Tsi nón:we Ahsonhnhiióhake’/ Family and Wellness Center for a Brown Bag Lunch.

Bring your lunch and come share in the discussions. Childcare and light refreshments are provided. This is a drop-in, so you can drop by anytime between the hours listed below.

  • Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2019
  • Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Place: Tsi nón:we Ahsonhnhiióhake/Family and Wellness Center

The Brown Bag Lunch is a place for parents to share their concerns and ask questions regarding parenting. This is also the chance for them to express what topics they would like to have offered to them based on their needs. 

Parents can come with or without their children but childcare is offered for those who need it to facilitate discussions and to offer respite. 

For more information, contact Frankie Massicotte at 450-638-0408.