Multigenerational Trauma Workshop

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 09:00 to 12:00
KSCS main building

Multigenerational Trauma and the Impacts on Attachment and Bonding

A FREE workshop open to all Kahnawa'kehró:non


Facilitate an understanding of "attachment"

Understand how different kinds of interactions with children can create different types of attachment paterns in children

Gain a better understanding of the emotional impacts that historical trauma and colonization has had on Indigenous people

Discuss and review some of the developmental impacts of intergenerational trauma (exposure to domestic violence, addiction, neglect, separation) on children

Discuss the importance of, and strategies for, developing strong bonds and attachments with children

  • Presenter: Suzy Goodleaf, M. Ed., Psychologist, O.P.Q.
  • Date: November 9, 2016
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Place: KSCS main building
  • RSVP to Lisa Fazio at 450-632-6880 ext. 189.

A Tsi Ionteksa'tanonhnha educational orkshop