Evaluation of the KSCS Drama Project COMMUNITY SUMMARY REPORT

Kahnawake – May 23 2014, Organizational Development Services (ODS) has completed the Evaluation of the KSCS Drama Project Final Report and has submitted it to KSCS.  KSCS is now releasing the community summary of the report to the community of Kahnawake. 


Copies of the 164 page report can be accessed on the www.kscs.ca website or requests for hardcopies can be made by calling 450.632.6880 and requesting one with the receptionist. 


On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 the KSCS Executive Director is hosting a community meeting and invites all Kahnawakehró:non to attend. KSCS is prepared to answer questions regarding the findings or recommendations outlined in the report and also ask the community to assist in determining the future direction of community Drama based on the recommendations.


Community meeting Logistics:

Date: Tuesday June 17, 2014

Location: Kahnawake Legion Hall Branch 219

Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30



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For additional information concerning the Evaluation Report contact:



Derek Montour, Executive Director


Lou Ann Stacey, Director of Family Services, KSCS



Phone: (450) 632-6880

Fax:     (450) 632-5116