- Individual addictions counselling
To screen and assess clients for addictions response services and then to provide direct support to community members and their families with addictions issues using the 12 core functions of addictions services.
Upon request from family members, to collaborate with the family to provide an addictions intervention to a client suffering from an addictions issue
To provide addictions education, support and counselling to families and significant others with loved ones dealing with addictions issues.
To provide addictions education, support and counselling to couples dealing with addictions issues
To provide support and consultation to any related services, programs, organization, projects and activities in the area of addictions
- Clients with a mental health and substance abuse problem
To provide education, support and counselling to clients and families dealing with an addictions issue and a concurrent mental health disorder.
The following is offered only on an “as needed” basis with sufficient amount of people and client preparedness
- Adult Children of Alcoholics
To provide addictions support to adult dependents of Alcoholics in an individual or group setting
To provide nutritional support to alcoholics/addicts in recovery in a group setting.
- Introduction to the 12 Steps
To provide a support group to individuals new to a recovery programs
- Ionkwatakitakhe “Walking a Good Path Together” group
To provide education and support to parents of children with substance use issues.
To provide education, support and relapse prevention to clients recently completing a treatment program.