strategic plan 2016 - 2019
Kahnawake – October 7, 2016, Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS) is pleased to release our Strategic Plan for 2016 - 2019 to the community.
The strategic focus of the plan, “is empowering Kahnawa’kehró:non for healthy and fulfilling Kanien’kehá:ka lives”. The plan includes an updated vision and mission for the organization to aspire to.
There are three guiding strategic objectives that the entire organization must consider when developing strategies and programming:
Be fully “client-centered” and client-driven. Re-focus on Kahnawa'kehró:non and their families as the single most important stakeholder
Enhance community engagement & community-based partnerships
Foster and accelerate active Kanien’kehá:ka ways of doing things, including more use of our language
Each of the five service delivery teams of KSCS have their own strategic objectives outlined. The implementation process for this plan has been underway since April 2016. The plan identifies the conditions we must abide by, if we are to be successful including how we report and to whom.