Firstly, KSCS joins the community in mourning the recent losses that the community has faced.
The past number of months have been extremely difficult and challenging for everyone; but can be especially difficult for our most vulnerable populations.
Vulnerability shows itself in various populations and cannot always be determined by age, gender and or social/economic status.
There are elements of this pandemic that cross all segments of the community and touch all of us in different ways and to varying degrees.
We are not built for disconnection and, although we have remained vigilant in respecting the restrictions to prevail over this virus, it does not come without a cost.
With the restrictions imposed on the population, we are confronted with being still and being with ourselves. Without any distractions, such as work, activities, sports, leisure, social gatherings, and family obligations, we had to look inward. Memories, experiences, life events, people we haven’t thought of for years are suddenly there. We start to think about our past and our future. This could be the first time that some are confronted with feelings of isolation, hopelessness, loss, and intense worry and fear.
Humans are built for connection and during these past few months, we have been called to ignore and suppress that.
We are now seeing the impacts of that on ourselves and each other The pandemic has exacerbated feelings of fear, dread, and helplessness and compounded symptoms of anxiety, depression, and grief.
KSCS is here to provide information, support and acknowledgement that this is hard, and it is not because we are not strong enough; but rather because our strength normally comes from our connection to each other.
KSCS recognizes the importance of addressing the subsequent mental health pandemic that currently is being felt worldwide and certainly present in Kahnawake.
We are committed to working closely with the whole community and leadership to also protect the community from the effects of mental health and substance abuse, with the same vigilance and seriousness as we have the COVID-19 virus.
For community members seeking extra support regarding their grief, KSCS’s Family and Wellness Center is hosting a Grief Group starting February 8th for a 9-week period. To register, contact 450-632-6880 and ask for intake.
Other individual services can also be requested by calling the same number.
Stay safe and stay connected