Afterhours Response Services Operational Review

KSCS is seeking the input of community members who wish to share their thoughts on this topic. This is an opportunity for our community to be involved in the operational review. There has been a tentative week of July 29th – August 2nd 2019 to conduct the interviews and/or focus groups.
All interviews and focus groups will be confidential and will be completed by Organizational Strategic Development (OSD) Facilitators Terry Young, Winnifred Taylor and OSD Summer Research Assistant Reece Horne. Individual interviews can be conducted in location chosen by interviewee to best meet their personal needs. Focus groups would be hosted in a community venue which is not yet finalized.
Please R.S.V.P. by July 26th at 12:00 PM with Terry Young, 450-632-6880 or email: or Winnie Taylor
The results of this review will assist the Director of Family Services and Manager of Support Services to make more informed decisions on how best to implement enhancements to the service.