Kahnawake's Community Health Plan

The most recent Community Health Plan and its associated funding agreement are unique as they are for a ten year period. This longer period of time will allow community organizations the long-term stability necessary to facilitate and support change. We know that change to attitudes and lifestyles which affect health is slow and this period will give us the opportunity to put longer term strategies and plans in place.
Seven health priorities are identified in the CHP.
They are:

  1. Substance abuse/addictions
  2. Mental health issues
  3. Learning/development disabilities
  4. Cardiovascular disease (hypertension)
  5. Cancer
  6. Diabetes
  7. Obesity

Health programming is based on the health priorities identified in the CHP. The Kahnawake Community Health Plan will address the priority health issues, validate the positive changes to health and well-being within the community, and build capacity in order to meet community health needs.
Kahnawake continues to be recognized as a best practice community for its integrated approach to health and social services. KMHC and KSCS have worked diligently to improve access to our respective services, including those provided with funding by the Quebec Ministry of Health.
“The Kahnawake Community Health Plan Health Transferred Programs 2012-2022” Executive Summary is available electronically at www.kmhc.ca and www.kscs.ca. For a printed copy of the Executive Summary, please contact the Communications Departments of KMHC and/or KSCS. All other inquiries concerning the Community Health Plan should be directed to the Onkwata’karitáhtshera Secretariat through the Community Based Programs link below.