KSCS Drama Program Status Report



Kahnawake – Thursday December 19, 2013 - Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS) wishes to update the community as to the status of the Evaluation of the KSCS Drama Program.

The starting date of the evaluation of the KSCS Drama Program began much slower than anticipated. A decision has been taken to respect the 120 day timeframe for carrying out the evaluation. Given that KSCS secured the consultant team of Organizational Development Services (ODS) to conduct the evaluation in late October 2013, the completion date for the evaluation work will be adjusted accordingly. To date ODS has completed the moveable assets inventory of Kateri Hall and has begun the consultation process which is expected to be completed in late January.

The evaluation team intends to engage as many stakeholders involved in KSCS Drama as possible and invite their participation through interviews, focus groups and surveys. The input of the theatre community of Kahnawake would give valuable insight and cooperation/participation would be greatly appreciated. Ultimately we are asking the community to assist in determining the future of KSCS Drama.

A reminder for any community members with knowledge of the KSCS Drama Program who would like to participate, please contact Christine Loft at evaluation@kscskhnawake.ca or (450) 632-6880, ext. 159.


For additional information contact:

Terry Young, Manager Prevention Services, KSCS

Lou Ann Stacey, Director of Family Services, KSCS

Phone: (450) 632-6880
Fax: (450) 632-5116