Kahnawake- March 25, 2020- Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS) wishes to inform the community that we are working in partnership with the Kateri Food Basket for all emergency food distribution.

As announced in the earlier press release regarding access to emergency food, all new requests for food assistance should be made through KSCS’s emergency food intake at 450-632-6880.

The Kateri Food Basket would like to reassure their existing clients that they will not have to re-register to maintain their food delivery/pick up. The Kateri Food Basket also wishes to inform the community that their current location is running low on storage space. The generous community donations have been greatly appreciated.

As we anticipate an increase in the numbers of households requiring assistance, we have set up Kateri School to act as an alternate emergency food storage facility and distribution center.

Food donations are still being accepted and KSCS will supplement with fresh food orders.

All new donations can be dropped off at Kateri School on weekdays beginning Thursday, March 26, 2020 between the hours of 10:00am to 2:00pm. Staff will be on hand by the main door to accept and direct donations and deliveries.

We are prepared to accept donations of the following:

  • Non-perishable dry foods such as canned tomatoes, beans, soup, canned vegetables, tuna, noodles, rice, juice, cereal, oatmeal, cooking oil, ready to eat items such as canned stew & ravioli, snacks for children, baby food, formula & pet food.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables that can be stored such as bags of apples, oranges, potatoes, onions, carrots.
  • Clean boxes or bins for food delivery

Monetary donations can be made at KSCS second floor, Kahnawake Services Complex Building. Receipts will be issued for all monetary donations to ensure accountability.

Emergency meal distribution is mobilizing to begin on Friday, March 27, 2020. Initially, food will be provided every 2 weeks and reassessed as need and resources change.