Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services’ wishes to inform the community that the upcoming KSCS Board of Directors’ elections scheduled for June will be postponed to December to maintain a functional Board until it is deemed safe to host the election.
The main reason for the rescheduling of the election is the currently conditions deem it unsafe to conduct a proper election during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Board of Directors held their monthly meeting using a secure video meeting platform and voted to extend the current term of Jessica Lazare, Mike Delisle & Vernon Goodleaf to December to maintain a function Board until it is deemed safe to host the election.
The KSCS Board is made up of 5 Kahnawake organization representatives and 5 community representatives. Each seat is for a three-year-term and all are staggered to ensure continuity of the Board.
Kahnawake, Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services, Its Board of Directors and Management Team wish to thank the community for their continued understanding and support.