The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) have undertaken a Joint Review of the Non-Insured Health Benefits ((NIHB) Program, which include coverage of prescription drugs, over-the-counter medication, medical supplies and equipment, mental health counselling, dental care, vision care, and medical transportation) with the objective of:
• Enhancing client access to benefits;
• Identifying and addressing gaps in benefits;
• Streamlining service delivery to be more responsive to client needs; and,
• Increasing Program efficiencies.
The Joint Review is expected to take 2 years ending in March 2017. Each benefit area will be examined separately and will result in an individual report; further, the Joint Review will result in a final report bringing together the complete findings and providing recommendations of the Steering Committee. The Joint Review Steering Committee wants to provide as many opportunities for input as possible from First Nations individuals and communities. Onkwata’karitáhtshera believes by participating you will help set the future direction of the program to be more responsive to meet our needs, therefore they are encouraging all Kahnawa’kehró:non to participate in the joint review of Non-insured Health Branch specific to Vision Care Benefits.
The survey is open now until July 10, 2016. For your convenience we have attached this link to the Vision Care survey