Kahnawake – March 29, 2021 - Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS) and its employees are here to provide essential and valuable services to our community members in need. We understand that the issues people face can be emotional, challenging, and at times painful to address. Our staff are highly trained to provide support and take action in these scenarios, treating our clients with the utmost respect. On behalf of all KSCS staff, we ask for this same respect and courtesy in return.
KSCS as an organization will not accept or tolerate any form of violence or aggression towards our staff. This includes all acts of physical, verbal, and emotional violence or aggression. At KSCS we uphold the rights of our clients to receive quality services, and the rights of staff to work without fear of violence, abuse, or harassment from anyone. While this only represents a small number of incidents, we take this type of behaviour very seriously and appropriate actions will be taken towards anyone demonstrating unacceptable behaviour towards our staff.
Community members are welcomed and encouraged to provide feedback, in the right setting. Any comment, complaint, compliment, or concern should be formally submitted through our Service Feedback Policy and procedures. Service Feedback Forms are available at the lobby of any KSCS building, through our website (, click on the Community Feedback button on our home page.) You may also request a form by calling 450-632-6880.
These are challenging times. We understand, and we are here every day to help support and keep our community safe mentally, emotionally, and physically. Please respect our staff, we are here to help. Let’s get through this together.
For additional information, contact:
Director of Family Preservation (Clinical) Services
Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services
Tel: 450-632-6880
Fax: 450-632-5116