Project Terms of Reference
Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS)
Internal Operations ~ Human Resources
Training & Development Program Plan
1. Project Title & Objective
Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS) Training & Development Program Plan
Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (herein KSCS) is soliciting proposals from qualified professionals/consultants for the development of an organizational Training & Development Program Plan. When implemented, the plan will help make certain that all KSCS employees receive the training and development required to be better qualified to meet the health and social service needs of the community.
2. Background
KSCS is a Mohawk health and social service organization located on the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake. KSCS was formed and established in 1988. Since, the organization has grown in its services and employee force. The organization currently provides Kahnawa’kehró:non health and social service programs and services on a continuum of care through five distinct service areas: Prevention Services (Primary and Secondary Services); Support Services (Youth Protection, Addiction Response, Foster Care and Psychological Services); Assisted Living Services (elders and special needs clients); Home and Community Care (adults and elders); and Environmental Health Services. Included in KSCS’s total complement of employees are the operational supportive services; Facilities Management, Financial Services and Organizational Support Services (OSS).
Currently, KSCS employs a total of 210 staff.
More information about KSCS can be found at
In the 2016-2020 KSCS Strategic Plan, “Assuring KSCS has healthy and qualified staff” was identified as one of several organizational goals. As a result, an objective for KSCS’ Human Resources is to review, revise and incorporate current existing program aspects into a more formalized Training & Development Program. This was a need given a high priority in a recent Organization Review as a recommendation: Develop and implement a KSCS Management Training Strategy and thus led to the development of this Request for Proposal.
3. Scope of Work
The aim of this project is to have a Training & Development Program Plan developed that complements existing training and development aspects in place. This will include:
- Review and assess past and current training and development methods at KSCS;
- Assess KSCS setting to determine broad global areas where there are needs for training;
- Find experts that can deliver training including the in-house experts that exists;
- Design and create methods for registration, tracking and recognition for participation in training;
- Provide means for measuring effectiveness of training;
- Provide cost effective methods for training and development; and,
- A program that takes into consideration the technology and software programs currently in place.
4. Deliverables
In undertaking the project, the consultant must carry out the following deliverables and set out as part of the work plan:
- A comprehensive review and analysis of past and current training and development methods at KSCS;
- Identification of global and specific KSCS program training and development needs;
- Development of core competencies that all KSCS staff should possess or work towards;
- Development of a training and professional development program plan and framework aimed at enhancing the capacity of all KSCS employees that is sustainable over time;
- An implementation plan for the recommendations;
- A communication plan that will introduce the project and keep staff informed throughout the implementation of the program;
- Preparation and submission of a preliminary detailed draft report and plan (electronic copy).The draft should be as complete as possible such that the final report should be just an incorporation of the final feedback from the Steering Committee; and,
- Preparation and submission of the final report (electronic copy), a PowerPoint presentation with speaking notes (electronic copy), and a report summary of the project findings (electronic copy).
5. Proposal Requirements
The proposal must include, at a minimum, the following elements:
A. Cover Letter
A cover letter from an individual who is authorized to bind the consultant’s firm to a contract. The cover letter should give a summary of the approaches that will be used to fulfil the project’s objectives.
B. Statement of Qualifications and Experience
Present a statement of qualifications to conduct this work. Identify the consultant and/or team that will participate in the project and each team member’s relevant education and experience. Identify a designated project manager/main contact.
C. References with Contact Information
Provide a brief narrative of two (2) separate projects completed by the consultant of similar scope, complexity and nature as this project. Include sufficient detail to understand its relevancy to this requirement as well as project start and end dates.
D. Methodology
Provide a detailed description of the approaches and methods proposed to meet the project’s objectives.
E. Work plan with Timeframe
The proposal must include a work plan listing core activities associated with products/deliverables and the proposed time frames.
The Manager of OSS will be overseeing the project. The contractor must incorporate the work and time required to work with a Steering Committee consisting of five (5) members, which will be overseeing this project within the work plan.
The contractor will be expected to deliver an interim report. The final written report and presentation to the Steering Committee overseeing the project by February 28, 2020.
F. Preliminary Cost Proposal/Budget
The proposal must have a detailed breakdown of the proposed costs of the contract (the fee for labor, travel and other anticipated costs to fulfill the requirements of this project), including payment schedule. Include the total lump sum fee.
The successful consultant and Manger of OSS will discuss and agree on proposed budget, methods of payment and other budgetary factors prior to engagement of the project.
6. Proposal Submission Procedure
Proposals can be submitted either electronically in PDF format to Susie Diabo, Manager of Organizational Support Services at, subject of the e-mail should be identified as “Request for Proposal: KSCS Training & Development Program Plan” or in a sealed envelope delivered to:
Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS)
Attention: Susie Diabo, Manager of Organizational Support Services (OSS)
P.O. Box 1440
Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory
J0L 1B0
The proposal submission must be in English.
7. Deadline
Any questions regarding this RFP should be received no later than 12:00 PM on Friday, September 13, 2019 to the attention of:
Susie Diabo
Tel: (450) 632-6880
Fax: (450) 632-5116
All proposals must be received at KSCS by mail or email on or before
Friday, September 13, 2019 at 4:00 PM EST.
Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered.