Kahnawake – May 13, 2020 – On Friday May 8, 2020 Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS) Management Team postponed the planned reopening of visitation rights to families who have parents living at Turtle Bay Elders Lodge.

The original plan was developed in collaboration by the Home and Community Care Services team and plans were placed into action. After KSCS announced the reopening of family visitations at the lodge, new health concerns were brought to the Kahnawake Task Force and plans were halted.

KSCS wants to emphasize we place the highest concern for the continued safety of our elders and will continue to implement the health directives coming out of the Kahnawake Task Force.

The Kahnawake Task Force is the body responsible to make the decisions to approve changes to health directives that are currently applicable to our elders in care and KSCS respects this authority.

KSCS will continue to be prepared for the eventual reopening of the restricted activities by developing clear directives and procedures that will be presented to the Task Force. The directives and procedures can assist the Kahnawake Task Force to make educated decisions on what activities are going to be permitted in the future.