Results of the recent Community Perception and Satisfaction Survey
Kahnawake –September 17, 2019 Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS) is pleased to release the results of the Community Perception and Satisfaction Survey that was conducted last February / March.
KSCS held a press conference earlier today and presented some of the highlights from the report to local media and distributed copies of the report to those in attendance.
The purpose of the survey was to consult with the community to get an up-to-date understanding of the community’s’ opinions and perceptions’ about KSCS. The results from the survey will be used to create communications strategies for KSCS that will support current and future strategic plans and most importantly assist KSCS’s improvement efforts to better meet the needs of the community.
We promised the community we would report the results of the survey back to them and this is exactly what we intend on doing. Since KSCS has accepted the feedback from our community all future efforts to implement change will adhere to Ionkwathón:te tsi nahò:ten sewá:ton’ we hear what you all are saying and will honour the consultation.
Copies of the report and the appendixes are now available on the website, hard copies can be picked up at the reception area on the second floor of the Services Complex Building between regular office hours.
KSCS intends to make consultations/engagement activities with our community become regular practice. It will help ensure the organization checks in with community to hear what their needs are and where we can make improvements in meeting them.
Douglas Lahache Team Leader, Communications Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services Tel. 456-632-6880